Sunday, June 2, 2024

Daily Snapshot!: March 14th

 Daily Snapshot! If you could take one snapshot that would sum up your day today, describe what would be in it.

Post #1

In the garden at the shelter, Kristos helped to teach us how to use leftover hose pieces to create an automatic irrigation system. John, Nathan, and I watched on as he pierced the hose and tested the red nozzles. We all then had our jobs working, as the kids at the shelter spoke and joked with us as they could. We all had small stains of dirt somewhere on us and marks on our hands and fingers from trying to push the nozzles into the hose. I looked around to see a fully planted garden with multiple types of plants and vegetables growing in their sections. The hoses ran up and down the lanes that were tilled the day before. As I had only helped painting before today, I had only seen the progress of the garden at the end of the day when everyone played basketball. Being part of the progress and continuing to improve the garden was the truly impactful part of the day. I’m really glad I was given the opportunity to work in a space to help the kids at the shelter wake up to see a better-looking garden one that hopefully works.

- Duncan

Post #2

Today could be summed up by the image of a bottle of extra virgin olive oil. The highlights of the day were most certainly the food, as we learned how to make stuffed grape leaves, souvlaki, tzatziki, and pastirma pie rolls. We learned that Greek cuisine is extremely simple, and almost always takes advantage of extra virgin olive oil. My favorite parts of the day were making tzatziki and eating the lamb and potato dish. 

- Emmett

Cooking Class Fun!

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